About Anja
“The answer is in YOU and it is omnipresent”

It is my greatest endeavor and pleasure to let everything that is happening dissolve against the background of this eternal EVENING PRESENCE and to live from its midst.
I experience the redeeming blessing of this omnipresence, which I prefer to call “presence”, every day and have been passing it on since then, simply and naturally – in a cheerful, relaxed, clear manner.
Ultimately, it cannot be learned, but can only be RECOGNIZED. The way to get there, however, is to unlearn everything OTHER – and here I can and would like to be helpful.
That is my concern.
When two meet in the name of this PRESENCE, YOU can be felt and move mountains.
If you would like some clues as to whether my offer feels right for you, I recommend the references below as well as my YouTube page:
Youtube reality
Thanks for showing up.
What others say…
the effect of your autumn retreat on my life was and still is just amazing!
It was very easy for me to shed old, harmful behavior patterns and to accept my divinity as a child of God and thus my innocence much better. The guilt issue had accompanied me for many years of my life and survived several other seminars.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this opportunity with your retreat!
Anja immediately infected me with her cheerful, cheerful and lively manner. She guided us, with childlike amazement and playful curiosity, to look at our own blockages in front of love, to accept it, to see the innocent intention in it, and then to look where I can really experience this need for love. In recognizing my true existence, in the experience of my higher self … We were able to experience all this and more in Anja’s online retreat. Thank you thank you thank you.
Anja, you light, you love,
thank you for the series of seminars that you offered together with Anneke. We have experienced and been able to experience your full devotion and your full willingness. Yes, we heal together. Thank you thank you. Thank you for your meditations leading into silence and forgiveness, your lightness, your laughter and your radiance. Thank you for the many light and wonderful moments with everyone.
Thank you for your being.
In love and solidarity
I found Anja’s enthusiasm and her liveliness in applying and conveying the course refreshing and helpful. Her happiness and almost ‘eagerness’ with which she – and not so long at all – was on the road with A Course in Miracles® was so infectious that I felt the need to organize the course with her that has been planned in my mind many times.
Almost more than the four workshops that we were able to design in this context, our preparatory meetings were of such intensity and connectedness that they alone were wonderful learning experiences. Minds are joined. We experienced this statement of the course again and again in these encounters.
In the preparation of our workshops I got to know Anja as a conscientious designer who lovingly takes care of all the details so that the participants can have really helpful experiences.
I am grateful for our shared experiences and I am sure that Anja will continue to be an important companion for me on my course.
I want the peace of GOD – to mean these words leads to experience. Anja helps in a clear, loving and focused way to get over obstacles into the PRESENCE of God in us. It is clearly aligned with the principles of the course and accompanies you with LOVE to awareness.
Dear Anja, you accompany me again and again in our conversations, in your events and through guided meditations in the experience of the presence of oneness. From this place you lovingly encourage me to (feel) emerging blockages and to let them be gently released in this presence. THANKS!
Mo -Fr. 10:00 - 18:00
Tel.: +49 531 40208007 (Mob. Fetnetz)
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Mail: info(at)wirklichsein.com
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